Wednesday, June 22, 2011

No practice Sat 25 June

As most of our Sat regulars are away at the London Cup this weekend, there will be no Sat Practice. For the rest of us, time to visit museum's!! Highly recommended for armour enthusiasts are the following:
Tower of London
Leeds Royal Armoury
Pitt River - Oxford
And of course if you visit the Tower, stay overnight and spend a whole day in the V & A...out of this world with 'acquired' treasures from around the globe. Your friendly culture guide


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tuesday Practice at Bristol

We will be going across to Bristol Kendo Club for Tuesday practice. Usual routine, meet at Coldra hotel carpark for anyone who needs a lift. I may be taking James so will be a little late. If Lewis needs a lift let me know and I will call as I come past, otherwise I shall speed on. My Mob is 07809220607...let it ring for a while as I don't normally carry it attached to my person!!! It's normally a great practice so please come.


Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Squad training Saturday 11 June & Sunday 12 June

Akai Ryuu kendo club is pleased to welcome the UK Kendo squad for their weekend of squad training in Cardiff. We have booked the leisure centre, main hall, at the University Hospital of Wales for Sat afternoon, 1400 - 1800hrs and Sunday Morn 0900 - 1300hrs. There will be a dinner venue organised for the Sat eve immediately after practice, more details later.
There will be a charge of £5 per day, to help support the squad, which will be collected by a squad member on the day. This charge will apply to everyone including Akai Ryuu members. However, for the opportunity to practice with squad it is exceedingly good value for money. Your NCP carpark charges will cost you more!
Everyone is welcome, in fact the more the merrier. Please pass this message on to any other clubs with whom you practice. Anyone who has practiced with us on Sat mornings will know it is a great floor and a big hall. See you all there.


Sunday, June 05, 2011

Practice on Tuesday 14 June - Trip to Bristol

My oracle (Gary) has informed me that 'Take That' are performing at the millenium on Tues 14 June. Given past experience this means that parking around Sophia may be a problem, hence the change of venue. Those of us not totally incapacitated by the squad training on 11th & 12th will therefore be going either to Newport or Bristol, probably Bristol but we will let you know in time for travel arrangements etc.


UK squad training event Cardiff 11 June

Just a quick reminder that we are hosting the UK squad training next weekend, 11 & 12 June. We would appreciate as many as possible to attend this event. It is a great chance to practice with top class kendoka and receive training from our UK coach. Please make an effort to attend.

Training is from 1400 - 1800hrs Saturday and 0900 - 1300hrs Sunday
