Akai Ryuu Kendo
Akai Ryuu Kendo Training Club of Cardiff, Wales.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
No class on Sat 4th & 5th June
As most of our Sat morning regular's will be at the Bowden next Sat and of course we are hosting the UK Kendo team practice on the 11th & 12th June THERE WILL BE NO SAT MORN PRACTICE FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. Normal service will be resumed on Sat 18th June.
I am sure you will join me in wishing our team the best of luck at the Bowden competition.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Dojo representative meeting
Gary will be representing the club at the next meeting of the DRC (Dojo representative committee)...in Mike's absence. If there any issues you wish discussed or any concerns you may have about anything Kendo related please get a concise note of those issues to Gary ASAP.
Thank you.
PS. Cheltenham club are hosting a martial arts exhibition from 1430 - 1630hrs on Sat, followed by a club practice. Anyone interested contact James. We can also discuss Sat Morn....I think I have the times correct?