The inter-regional Taikai 7 August
Just a reminder to all Kendoka who wish to participate in the next regional Taikai. AKAI RYUU are hosting this taikai at the University of Wales Hospital (what used to be called the Heath) leisure centre on the 7 August 2010, 0900-1200hrs. All welcome, three or five man teams depending on numbers. However, this is a friendly affair, so if you need team members I am sure we can provide some. There will be a small prize for the winning team...depending on what the local charity shops have in store at the time!! The plan is for a brief warm up, then about two hours of competition, leaving us a good hour for the poor old referees to get a chance for for a bit of Gi-Geiko.
Please make the effort to get here on Saturday 7 August. Many thanks.
Frank Duffin
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