Akai Ryuu Christmas Party 2nd December
The renowned Akai Ryuu Christmas party will take place 2nd December.
1930hrs at TenKaichi Sushi and Noodle bar
236 City Road
CF24 3JJ
Booked for 20 people so get your seat confirmed tonight with a £5 donation to Mark's favourite charity. Remember, this is the worse time of the year for Mark, all that money going out the door, so give the £5 with a smile on your face!!!
Our thanks to Mike, who organised the booking and I hope to see at least 20 hungry souls at the venue. There is usually somewhere to park on City road at that time of night.
The picture is a sample I have been making for The Marshes Armoury, to show what we can do. We intend to market our wares at a couple of the re-enactment events next year. Still got a little ball to go on top of the basket.