Monday, October 06, 2008

Support for Ian Parker-Dodd resolutions

Shaun has asked me to copy you all in on Ian's email. Shaun has already indicated that he would like all club members to respond and support the call for an EGM. I would certainly urge you all to support Ian and email him as requested. See Ian's message below

ate: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:17:39 +0000
Subject: Resolutions and Call for EGM

Dear All

I am sorry not to be able to address you individually by name but there are quite a lot of you.

I am writing to you to ask for your support by seconding the resolutions in the attached document.

I have been loath to take the step of calling for an EGM and it is with a fair degree of sadness that I do so because in the past the people identified have done much to maintain the Association in this country. The issues in my perception are so serious that I find I am unable to walk away from what I perceive to be the serious indifference to the constitution and the concept of Natural Justice. I believe that indifference must be challenged and I perceived the people identified as those who have, at the very least, allowed it to happen.

I have put a personal statement on the resolutions giving my reasons for asking for an EGM.

You have indicated your support in some way previously. Now is an opportunity to do so publicly and I sincerely hope you feel able to do this. One seconder for the motions is all that is actually required but I feel the more there are the better.

I would ask you please if you feel you are able to give your support to the resolutions please e-mail me with your name and BKA number within the next seven days.

I intend to contact all other dojo leader in order to get the number of signatures necessary and forward the request for a EGM to the Executive Committee so if you are a dojo leader of a registered dojo and support the call for an EGM can you please indicate this as well so that I can build that list as a third of all BKA dojo leaders’ signatures are necessary to call an EGM.

Once an EGM is called a two-thirds majority of people present and voting has to be obtained for the first motion to be carried so ‘bums on seats’ are required which is why I have asked for the meeting to be at a time and place favourable to as many people as possible.

If you know of others who agree with this initiative please fell free to show them the resolutions and give them my e-mail address.

Yours truly,

Ian Parker Dodd


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